Results for 'Pragati R. Mandikal Vasuki'

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    Musicians’ Online Performance during Auditory and Visual Statistical Learning Tasks.Pragati R. Mandikal Vasuki, Mridula Sharma, Ronny K. Ibrahim & Joanne Arciuli - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    The Afterlife of Beyond a Boundary: C. L. R. James in the Twenty-First Century.Leslie R. James - 2019 - CLR James Journal 25 (1):263-283.
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    Ḥurrīyat al-ḍamīr: muwāzanah bayna al-ḥurrīyāt al-shakhṣīyah wa-al-maṣlaḥah al-ʻāmmah: bayna al-ḍamīr al-fardī wa-al-ḍamīr al-jamʻī.al-Bashīr Shammām - 2013 - Tūnis: Maktabat Tūnis.
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    The primacy of God: the virtue of religion in Catholic theology.R. Jared Staudt - 2022 - Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Academic.
    The Primacy of God, the notion of justice toward God is seldom considered and often foreign. Far more discussed is how God might either undermine or motivate social justice. The Primacy of God by R. Jared Staudt offers an important intervention. With the aid of St. Thomas Aquinas, Staudt argues that it is vital for both contemporary society and contemporary Catholic theology to return to the traditional view of God as the one to whom all human and social action must (...)
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    Social structural consequences of population growth.R. E. W. Adams - 1981 - Journal of Biosocial Science 13 (1):107-122.
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    Some remarks on relativity.R. Ainscough - 1922 - Mind 31 (124):489-495.
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    “An Incomplete” Lover: Leyla.Ayşegül Akdemi̇r - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1-27.
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  8. In History, and in Education: Essays presented to Peter Gordon.R. Aldrich - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (1):84-85.
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  9. Aurel Kolnai: Two reviews.R. Allen - 2003 - Appraisal 4.
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    Beyond Liberalism: The Political Thought of F. A. Hayek & Michael Polanyi.R. T. Allen - 1998 - Routledge.
    Allen examines Polanyi's and Hayek's thinking with respect to the nature, value, and foundations of liberty. For Allen, only Christianity, and certainly no modern philosophy, has a conception of the unique individual and his irreplaceable value and of a political order that transcends itself into the moral order. Beyond Liberalism challenges deeply ingrained notions of liberty and its meaning in modern society.
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    The Categories of Value.R. T. Allen - 1992 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 6 (4):277 - 300.
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    Study of the dynamic structure factor of hydrogen fluoride by inelastic X-ray scattering.R. Angelini, P. Giura, G. Monaco, G. Ruocco & F. Sette - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1507-1512.
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    Fundamentalisms.R. Scott Appleby - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 403–413.
    Religion has surprised the secular elites of North American and European societies. Not only has religion survived the treacherous passage from village to metropolis, from medieval superstition to modern science, and from state support (and coercion) to voluntary membership. Apparently, it has thrived and gained new sources of strength amidst these transformations. Far from being relegated to the proverbial ash‐heap of history, modern religions and the activist movements they generate find themselves positioned at the centre of modern debates – and (...)
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  14. The Chinese century? Some policy implications of China's move to high-tech innovation.R. P. Appelbaum & R. A. Parker - 2012 - In Barbara Herr Harthorn & John Mohr, The social life of nanotechnology. New York: Routledge.
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  15. La ragione scientifica del dovere.R. ArdigÒ - 1915 - Rivista di Filosofia 7 (2):141.
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    Flow stress/strain rate/grain size coupling for fcc nanopolycrystals.R. W. Armstrong & P. Rodriguez - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (36):5787-5796.
  17. Abrey, CA, 163 Adite, A., 367 Aguirre, WE, 403 Amaro, R., 189.D. A. Arrington, R. Barbieri, T. P. Bassista, G. Baumgartner, E. Bellafronte da Silva, M. A. Benavides, J. Ben-David, M. G. Bennett, A. Bhat & A. Bialetzki - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 263.
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  18. The Fall of Nalanda.R. Isri Arshad - 2002 - In R. Panth, Nalanda and Buddhism. Nalanda: Nava Nalanda Mahavihara. pp. 8--141.
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    The role of entropy in thermally activated deformation.R. J. Arsenault - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (6):1481-1483.
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    Spring School on Language, Music, and Cognition: Organizing Events in Time. Music and Science.R. Asano, Marit Lobben & Maritza Garcia - 2018 - Music and Science 1 (1):1-17.
    The interdisciplinary spring school “Language, music, and cognition: Organizing events in time” was held from February 26 to March 2, 2018 at the Institute of Musicology of the University of Cologne. Language, speech, and music as events in time were explored from different perspectives including evolutionary biology, social cognition, developmental psychology, cognitive neuroscience of speech, language, and communication, as well as computational and biological approaches to language and music. There were 10 lectures, 4 workshops, and 1 student poster session. Overall, (...)
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  21.  18
    Filosofia, Ética e Geografia: Relatos de Uma Experiência Acadêmica com Danilo Di Manno de Almeida.R. A. Assis, R. S. Gomes & D. Pansarelli - 2011 - Páginas de Filosofía 3 (1-2):81-91.
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    "Good" and "right", and "probable" in language, truth and logic.R. F. Atkinson - 1955 - Mind 64 (254):242-246.
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    Human Agency: Lanugage, Duty and Value. Philosophical Essays in Honor of J. O. Urmson.R. F. Atkinson - 1990 - Philosophical Books 31 (1):29-31.
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    Non-tentative religious beliefs and rationality.R. Attfield - 1970 - Sophia 9 (2):16-21.
  25. Mercier, desire and the origins of the institut-de-philosophie.R. Aubert - 1990 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 88 (78):147-167.
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    Theory, fact, and logic.R. Aya - 2006 - In Robert E. Goodin & Charles Tilly, The Oxford handbook of contextual political analysis. Oxford : New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 114--128.
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    Symposium on Chinese Culture.R. L. Backus & Sophia H. Chen Zen - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):832.
  28. Aslin, RN, B53.R. Baillargeon, P. Bloom, A. E. Booth, S. Carey, H. D. Ellis, S. Gerhand, V. Girotto, R. L. Goldstone, M. Gonzalez & S. J. Hespos - 2001 - Cognition 78:281.
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    Augustinus en het moderne denken.R. Bakker - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (3):442 - 465.
    In this article we have tried to draw some connections between the philosophy of St Augustine and the phenomenology of Husserl and Heidegger. The occasion for our choosing this subject was the fact that on the next 13th November 1620 years have elapsed since Augustine's day of birth. The way Augustine approached the basic questions of human existence is closely related to contemporary phenomenological thought. This we will illustrate with the help of some notions as „memory” and „time”. Modern thought (...)
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    Rüb'b-ı Şikeste'de Zaman.Mehmet Bakır Şengül - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):1043-1043.
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  31. De geniale mislukking van de middeleeuwen.R. Bauer - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (1):113-114.
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    Aesthetics and dialectics esthétique et dialectique aesthetik und dialektik esthétique et dialectique.R. Bayer - 1948 - Dialectica 2 (2):199-204.
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  33. Fundamentación lógica de la física, de Rudolf Carnap.R. Beneyto - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):155-157.
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  34. Husserl en Heidegger over de fenomenologische reductie en het fenomeen van het zijn.R. Bernet - 1994 - In M. Moors, Jan van der Veken & Jozef van de Wiele, Naar Leeuweriken grijpen: Leuvense opstellen over metafysica. Leuven: Universitaire Pers.
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    Insight and Vision: The Problem of Communism in Marx's Thought.R. N. Berki - 1983 - J M Dent & Sons.
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    Immigration between Liberalism and Populism: Reply to Palti.R. A. Berman - 1996 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1996 (107):129-137.
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    L'imitation et la logique sociale.R. Berthelot - 1894 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2 (1):93 - 97.
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    Response to Harper's.R. M. Berry - 2006 - Symploke 14 (1):319-319.
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    Subject en zelfervaring.R. Bernet - 1991 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (1):23 - 43.
    Eine phänomenologische Analyse des Selbstbewusstseins erbringt den Nachweis, dass die Selbsterfahrung stets eine Erfahrung des Selbstverlusts impliziert. Dieser Befund beruht auf der richtig verstandenen Intentionalität bzw. Transzendenz des Subjekts. Diese These wird im vorliegenden Artikel vor allem mit dem Hinweis auf die Phänomene des moralischen Gewissens, der synthetischen Funktion des Ich, der differenziellen Struktur von Selbstbezug und Selbstrepräsentation, sowie der leiblich bestimmten, affektiven Selbsterfahrung illustriert. Bereits bei Kant ist die Selbstgesetzgebung des moralischen Subjekts die Folge eines Aufrufs durch das Gesetz. (...)
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    The Realism of Moralism: The Political Philosophy of István Bibó.R. N. Berki - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (3):513.
    It is a safe prediction that, especially now with cultural contacts freely flowing between East and West in both directions, the Hungarian thinker Istvan Bibo will soon be given full accolade as one of the most outstanding political theorists of this century, in stature equal to the �greats� in the entire European tradition of political thought. Bibo's significance far exceeds local, parochial interests. While profoundly original and organically stemming from Hungarian culture, Bibo belongs also to the �West�. If his political (...)
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    Thomas Sowell and the New Class.R. A. Berman - 2014 - Télos 2014 (168):179-183.
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  42. Ueber die Harnsäurebildung im Körper der Menschen.R. Berg - 1940 - Scientia 34 (68):86.
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  43. Una «scienza pura della coscienza». L'ideale della psicologia in Theodor Lipps.R. Martinelli, S. Besoli & M. Manotta (eds.) - 2001 - Quodlibet.
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    De betekenis vanhyponoiaenallègoriabij Philo van Alexandrië -The Meaning ofhyponoiaandallègoriain Philo of Alexandria.R. A. Bitter - 1985 - Bijdragen 46 (4):363-380.
  45. Szabó . - Anfänge Der Griechischen Mathematik.R. Blanché - 1973 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:375.
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  46. Explicit anchoring reduces overconfidence in estimation.R. A. Block & D. R. Harper - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):353-353.
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  47. Niet voor God en niet voor het Vaderland. Linkse soldaten, matrozen en hun organisaties.R. L. Blom & Th Stelling - 2004 - Polis 774:1117.
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    The 'Greater Alcibiades' attributed to Plato: an introduction and commentary, together with an appendix of the language and the style.R. S. Bluck - 1949 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
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    Des raisons d'être d'une argumentation rhétorique selon Aristote.R. Bodéüs - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (3):297-305.
    The main purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons Aristotle gives for being able to use rhetorical argumentation, which is obviously not a scientific mode of expression. This faculty which was condemned by Plato as lacking morality, is paradoxically regarded by Aristotle as necessary on moral grounds. For, according to him, it would be blameworthy to keep silent when being verbally assailed. The necessity of rhetoric is, however, more deeply founded. First, because justice has to be saved from (...)
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    Fascism after the end of history: An introduction.R. J. B. Bosworth - 1999 - The European Legacy 4 (1):1-7.
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